Saturday, August 05, 2006

2nd part

here is the 2nd part of mine and hampsters story. do read on.

part 2

Constipatio and Jack both gasped,before there eyes the sky was turning green, and a huge whirlwind engulfed the volcano! As they watched the strange (and I must say rather frightening sight) an ever so faint breeze swept around there ankles and a voice said, “come we must leave”.

Jack looked at his now empty bottle in disbelief , Did I just hear a dog say the village was gone, and now order us to leave?” “No I said that!” Jack looked up in fright there standing were Champlion had been was a tall man or was it a man?

His robes were like silver and his eyes like lightning. Constipatio said “who are you?” the man (or was it a man?) replied “does it matter? For I am a friend and wizard “ Constipatio immediately shouted “WAT DID YOU DO TO MY DOG!?!” the wizard said “I am your dog” at that moment Jack groaned and looked at his empty bottle yet again, saying as he examined it “how old is this stuff?” then he said “how much did I pack?”. At that moment the rain came, Constipatio took no notice of it and said what do you mean? The wizard said “I will show you” and as he spoke a mist engulfed him but even as it came it left, and there before them stood Champlion. Then again the mist came and went, and before them stood (yet again) the wizard. Constipatio took this for all the evidence he needed (as did Jack) and asked, “how are you Champlion?” The wizard sighed and said “things are not as they seem” follow me and I shall explain in full out of danger.

The wizard led them and down the hill and through the woods for what seemed hours, after a time the wizard quietly said “stop” then Constipatio realized these woods looked very different they where older denser and quieter, then Constipatio realized, this was the great forest. As it turned out this was only the edge of the great forest and not nearly as bad as the heart of the forest. The wizard led them towards a large tree were he (quite oddly) mumbled some words to it. Much to Constipatio and Jacks surprise a small opening appeared in the ground at the base of the tree. The wizard quickly motioned too them too enter which they did obediently. Inside was a small room lit by lamp and a fire, by the opening was a man a little shorter than Jack, introduced himself (quite simply) as Tom. The wizard entered even as they where taking in all the details he said in a kind voice “Hello Tom” Tom replied “hello sir,” and Constipatio realized they did not know what the wizards name was.

The wizard said “forgive me for not introducing myself, you may continue to call me Champ, as for your names, I already know them.” Constipatio was at loss for words, Jack was overjoyed (for this meant his rum was still fit for drinking) Constipatio ventured to ask “how come you acted like my dog?” Champ replied “That story must wait, for now beds await. You will learn the answers soon enough.” At that Champ bade Them all good night and swept out of the room down a narrow hall Tom said “ you and Jack shall sleep in the guest room along with Champ” Constipatio said “where are we?” Tom said “somewhere safe, now I shall take you too your room.” The room was rather empty except for a four sets of bunk beds and a small fireplace. Tom bade them good night and left. As Constipatio lay in bed he wondered two things one was, what is going on? And the other, what time is it?


Blogger Master Aegidius said...


So what part is yours and what part is the Dunadain's?

10:38 PM  
Blogger Malachi said...

Sorry for the delay people,Huey and I have been gone since last Wednesday,the story will be out in the next couple of days. As to you Master, what is mine and what is Micah's well... i leave that for you to decide.

9:53 AM  

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