Yukon Cornelius

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Dad wants a post

Ok, my last post was quite short and my dad wants me to post something longer than a couple sentences but I don't know what to write so don't expect a post on just one subject. My dad and just about everyone else can just sit down and blog but I have trouble finding things to write about except for baseball,fishing,hunting and how bad it is in Philadelphia. Whoops thats plenty of stuff and I will start with an intro of how boring it is here... So when we got back from Montana this fall I was thinking "it can't be too bad its only nine months." Think again, it is already quite boring and I find myself thinking of Montana and hunting,and fishing,and baseball,and Montana again. Then I go practice pitching which starts me thinking of baseball again and the circle continue. Then there are days when the boy from down the street tells me that highschool is going to be BORING, WORSE THAN IT IS IN PHILADELPHIA. Great,just great. and Mom tells me I need to do more schooldays than I have done to go play baseball in Montana next spring. It isn't that bad really, but school? More? It is the automatic reaction, at least mine is, (and every other kid I know) But I just have five months to go. I can make it as long as I don't explode with the waiting. So aside from the fact that it isn't THAT boring here there is the benefit that if the volcano under yellowstone goes I won't be there and I won't get consumed in the lava. All in all I am quite happy with being here and it hasn't been that bad here in Philadelphia. What is the word for rock formed from magma? That still probably isn't long enough for dad but it is for mom.

October mind

So I am receiving hints that I am trying peoples patience with my blog. But that's not why I am posting. I was reading in Barns and Nobles and as usual fishing was the books main content(hunting was there too) and I realized that fishing stories are just outlets for peoples feelings or else boasts about the fish they caught. I prefer the former but that is because when I read them I think of lakes in the Beartooths where if you aren't catching fish you can listen and look around you just drinking it in and if you are like me you are quickly cut down to size you realize how big the mountains realy are and that you are nothing compared to them. When I think about past trips I can not remember half the details of the lake because there is so much of it and when you realize that God created all of it fish seem kind of small in the larger perspective. Anyways I was reading and as usual it takes me forever to decide that fishing is not about the fish so much but is a way to remind ourselves that we are fragile and God is eternal.

"All men are like grass and their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall but the word of the Lord stands forever."
1Peter 1:24