Yukon Cornelius

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Part 4

Part 4

The rest of that day was spent preparing for their journey, as they prepared Constipatio and Jack were given a dagger and leather jerkins for protection in case they were attacked. The wizard took no armor although Jack noticed he carried a long slender blade that glowed silver. When they finished making all preparations that could be made. They ate a short meal and went too sleep. Constipatio and Jack where awakened with a soft shake, it was still dark out. They departed with few words, as they walked along Constipatio noticed how quite and peaceful the woods seemed. As the sun rose Jack heard the sound of water, shortly after they arrived at a stream where they had a short meal. As they sat there eating Ulvario suddenly tensed, Jack and Constipatio suddenly heard a screeching wail of a beast in rage. Suddenly Ulvario shouted, “down!” before their eyes was a mighty beast twenty feet tall, its body was long and slender, its arms were covered in shining steel, its breastplate was also of steel, the beasts jaws were gaping and its teeth like knives. Along its spine ran spikes, its tail was barbed. In its clawed hands it wielded a mace.

As it looked upon them Jack gave a cry of horror, as Constipatio turned he saw a group of creatures around his size, they wore armor that looked as if it had been scavenged from the dead of all kinds. They wielded short swords and many other random weapons. They were attacking Jack and attempting to disarm him, then Constipatio realized they were trying to take him alive. With a sharp cry he raced to his friends aid. As he charged into the creatures he drew his dagger and slashed the nearest one, it toppled down at his feet. Before he could think he was swarmed on, then Jack drew his own dagger and began attacking, then Ulvario shouted a word Constipatio could not understand and the creatures fell dead. Constipatio and Jack turned and witnessed a brutal battle, Ulvario was evading and slashing at the beast as it continually smashed its mace down nearly crushing Ulvario numerous times. At last the beast's mace became stuck in the ground as it brought it down with such incredible force. Ulvario took advantage of the pause and pointed his sword at the beasts face, the sword erupted in flame and a bolt of fire smashed the creature in the eye. At this blow the creature toppled forward and died before it hit the ground.

As Constipatio looked upon the fallen creature Ulvario said, “are any of you hurt?”, they both shook their heads and he said “good we must make haste.” As they began they're journey at a much quicker pace Constipatio asked, “what were those creatures?” Ulvario replied, “The large one that I attacked I am not sure, the creatures that attacked you were lesser minotaurs. They are lesser forms of the true minotaurs, who are a formidable enemy indeed. These creatures are the reason I had you flee and follow me to the gnomes for they are all that is left on this island. Yes those creatures attacked the night you met me, they destroyed your village and all who lived in it. This land is no longer safe.” on hearing this Jack gave a cry of despair and Constipatio could not think of what to stay but instead shook his head in frustration and horror.

As night fell Ulvario stopped and they had a hurried meal, then they moved on. It was nearly midnight (Constipatio thought) when they finally stopped and rested. Ulvario took the first watch Jack the second and Constipatio the third. Constipatio was awoken by Jack who said it was his watch and went to sleep immediately. When the moon had gone down and the sun was just starting to rise Constipatio awoke the others and they continued their journey (after a small meal). As they walked Constipatio began to realize that this journey would change the course of his life, there was no going back. That night they stopped in a small grassy hollow. As they prepared to sleep Jack asked the wizard, “ What does the dark lord want from our island?” Ulvario replied, “ His purpose I'm yet unsure of, what I do know is it has something to do with that creature I killed. As Constipatio took his turn on the watch he began to feel drowsy, as his thoughts wandered he was brought back to reality by a tremor in the earth.