I flew out from Philadelphia to play baseball but if my team does not get the act together it will be a waste of money for me. I played a baseball game today and it was an awesome day in Montana the sun was shining it was warm... of course my team was losing 14 to 4. Well it should have been us winning but we weren't so it was no suprise when coach put us through the ringer afterwards. During the game about the third inning half my team gave up and we started making errors. Simple things like throwing the ball on target and getting in front of the ball did not happen. The errors were all things we had practiced for two weeks and I don't blame my coach for being mad at us. If you read this and think "it's just a game" you don't know my coach and you don't know me. It is realy about trying to do your best because to be honest it's not fun to lose. Now you may think I am a kid that will get mad if I lose,"I don't,"I get mad when my team gives up on the game. Now I don't know why I wrote this since it is probably boring to you. If you read this far don't worry I'm done ranting and raving. Now the fun part. What is the scientific name for the Wolverine? Answer? I have no idea.
Hey Malachi! How are you? I miss you,Your right it is no good when your team gives up:( Well I love you love rebekah.(p.s.I put up a new post on my blog)
Your money? Am I not the one who did childcare to pay for it? I know what you mean though. Just remember that we are doing our best for Jesus and not for ourselves, right? "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for me." Colossians 3:23 Don't get discouraged, just relax, work on your weaknesses, and enjoy the process. Maybe you need to step forward and take some leadership on the team. Pray about that Malachi. I love you very much and can't wait to get there to watch you play, but most of all to spend time with you.
Wolverines are a wonderful animal to behold. I have only seen one once, while I was in the Tetons, and it was just a glimpse.
Their Sientific name is Gulo Gulo, which I think means "Gluttonous Glutton", but my Latin is very rusty. They belong to the family Mustelidae, which includes Skunks, Weasels, Fishers (I have seen them twice, both in the North Woods of Wisconsin), Badgers, and my personal favorite, the Pine Martin (once, in the Hyalites). All Mustelids are known by their VERY strong, musky smell.
Did you know that the French use Skunk Musk to make expensive perfume? Just goes to show, one man's garbage is another man's rose!
In regard to baseball, well I don't know jack about it, so no luck there. But I can tell you that what you are experiancing now will most definately reoccur during whatever profession you procede in. There will always be slackers/ bottom feeders in every stream. As your mother said, do your best unto God, and let Him sort it out.
Your parents will probably growl, but I can't resist.........
Jesus, likes fisherman, right?
And He is the Good Fisherman, right, so...
And every good fisherman, when he catches a carp, what does he do?
Well, that carp is taking up space that was meant for trout, so the good fisherman kindly relocates the carp to a new space up on the bank, where it temporarily waits until it moves into a more permanent abode.
Say in the belly of a crow, or a racoon.
This would be the modern Montana translation of the parable of the wheat and the tares. :-)
Your parents can send their growlings via e-mail. Please not by phone.
FYI: If you were to come up here to go fishing, my familial duty would demand that I drop everything to oblige you in your noble quest. Right, Aunt Jenn?
I like this family duty I will have to test and see if you are telling the truth. Hi mom thanks for posting I miss you a lot.
Hey we need to see more posting here!!
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