Yukon Cornelius

Saturday, April 23, 2005

I flew out from Philadelphia to play baseball but if my team does not get the act together it will be a waste of money for me. I played a baseball game today and it was an awesome day in Montana the sun was shining it was warm... of course my team was losing 14 to 4. Well it should have been us winning but we weren't so it was no suprise when coach put us through the ringer afterwards. During the game about the third inning half my team gave up and we started making errors. Simple things like throwing the ball on target and getting in front of the ball did not happen. The errors were all things we had practiced for two weeks and I don't blame my coach for being mad at us. If you read this and think "it's just a game" you don't know my coach and you don't know me. It is realy about trying to do your best because to be honest it's not fun to lose. Now you may think I am a kid that will get mad if I lose,"I don't,"I get mad when my team gives up on the game. Now I don't know why I wrote this since it is probably boring to you. If you read this far don't worry I'm done ranting and raving. Now the fun part. What is the scientific name for the Wolverine? Answer? I have no idea.


Thursday, April 21, 2005

Fishing ramblings

It has been a long time since I have had time to write. I am sorry and please bear with me. Anyways I went fishing yesterday and in Montana it was 34 degrees. Now if you think fishing is sitting in a chair throwing a worm you have it wrong. Real fishing is as an old angler put it "standing in a river and waving a stick." What he was talking about was flyfishing. Flyfishing is a lot harder than the old" throw a worm" in and I won't go into details other than to flyfish is to have patience and to practice a lot. When you finaly catch a fish you get an ego that says you can catch anything because you know the strategy. You get humbled when a kid with a stick and bent hatpin for a hook sells you his fish he caught with a worm. If you apply what you learn it does make you a better fisherman. Well back on subject it was cold while I fished and if I had stayed longer I might have caught something but I did not stay more than an hour because it was time for dinner.Now a hour is not much fishing by my standards but I will take an hour fishing in the snow to one hour shoveling snow. So I went fishing and had a lot of fun. I rambled and I'm sorry but thanks for bearing with me on this. I had to write something and finaly just a brain teaser. What is the scientific name for brook trout? Thanks and goodbye:)